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2021 Reunion

L-R: Mike Luopa, Dennis Keating, Joe Malila, Bruce Lepisto, Judy Boulay Campbell, Leslie Nelson Haines, Mike Hanrahan, Rhonda Oates Goodnow, Kathy Lane Browne, Dennis Poirier, Milton Doubleday (partially hidden), Jane Cadmus O'Brien,Chuck Yardley (partially hidden), Margaret Callahan Towle (partially hidden), Jim Ganley, Sherrie Marrotte Sabolevski, Joe Sabolevski, Joely Tedford Fanning, Claudette Painchaud Marsh, Gary Robinson, Judy Boufford, Dave Stabler, Karen Wright Larrabee, Dave Hofffman (partially hidden), Mark Larrabee, Bonnie Miller Abrams, Francis Boucher (partially hidden), Gordie Ayotte (partially hidden), Dave Abrams, Dave Tenney, Steve Parker, Matt Clark, Gary Keating, Randie Goodell Kent, Dale Eastman Johnson, Patti Blair, Brian Blair, Brenda Wyman Kerylow, Christie Gaouette Yardley
L-R: Gordie Ayotte, Francis Boucher
L-R: Gordie Ayotte, Matt Clark
L-R: Brad Beaudoin, Margaret Callahan Towle
L-R: Brian Blair, Patti Blair
L-R: Francis Boucher, wife
L-R: Judy Boufford, Patti Blair
L-R: Jane Cadmus O'Brien,Barbara Bedaw Patnode, Sherrie Marrotte Sabolevski
L-R: Jane Cadmus O'Brien, Judy Boulay Campbell
L-R: Jane Cadmus O'Brien, Bonnie Miller Abrams
L-R: Margaret Callahan Towle, Rhonda Oates Goodnow
L-R: Patricia Clark, Milton Doubleday
L-R: Milton Doubleday, Gary Robinson
L-R: Dale Eastman Johnson, Mark Johnson
L-R: Jim Ganley, Dale Eastman Johnson
L-R: Randie Goodell Kent, Joely Tedford Fanning
L-R: Betsy Hoffman, David Hoffman
L-R: Jeff Peck, Debbie Holbrook Peck (provided)
L-R: Dennis Keating, Linda Keating
L-R: Gary Keating, Brad Beaudoin
L-R: Gary Keating, Mark Larrabee, Karen Wright Larrabee, Joely Tedford Fanning
L-R: Richard Schultz,Gary Keating
L-R: Kathy Lane-Browne, Christie Gaouette Yardley
L-R: Kathy Lane-Browne, Joe Malila, Dave Stabler
L-R: Mark Larrabee, Karen Wright Larrabee
L-R: Bruce Lepisto, Carol Lepisto, Brian Blair
L-R:  Carol Lepisto, Bruce Lepisto
L-R: Mike Luopa, Leslie Nelson Haines
L-R: Patricia Luopa, Mike Luopa
L-R: JeanAnn Malila, Joe Malila
L-R: Sherrie Marrotte Sabolevski, Barbara Bedaw Patnode
L-R: Bonnie Miller Abrams, David Abrams
L-R: Leslie Nelson Haines, JeanAnn Malila
L-R: Claudette Painchaud Marsh, Stephen Parker, Brenda Wyman Kerylow
L-R: Stephen Parker, Leslie Nelson Haines
L-R: Dennis Poirier, David Abrams
L-R: Barbara Bedaw Patnode, Dennis Poirier
L-R: Dennis Poirier, Joe Malila
L-R: Joe Sabolevski, Sherrie Marrotte Sabolevski
L-R: Joe Sabolevski, Sherrie Marrotte Sabolevski
L-R: Dave Stabler, Jim Ganley
L-R: Joely Tedford Fanning, Matt Clark, Patricia Clark, Brenda Wyman Kerylow, Claudette Painchaud Marsh
L-R: Dave Tenney, Mike Hanrahan
L-R: Dave Tenney, Mike Hanrahan
L-R: Brenda Wood, Donald Wood
L-R: Karen Wright Larrabee, Gary Robinson
L-R: Christie Gaouette Yardley, Chuck Yardley

Granite Bench Gift Celebration 2021

FR: Bruce Lepisto, ROW 1: Leslie Nelson Haines, Jane Cadmus O'Brien, Dale Eastman Johnson, Judy Boufford, Sherrie Marrotte Sabolevski, David Abrams, Bonnie Miller Abrams, Karen Wright Larrabee, Kathy Lane-Browne, ROW2: Gary Keating, Dave Hoffman, David Tenney, Denny Poirier, Brian Blair, Gordie Ayotte, Chuck Yardley, Joe Sabolevski, Matt Clark, Mike Hanrahan, Dave Stabler, Mark Larrabee, Mike Luopa

Mt Caesar hike 2021

L-R: Kathy Lane-Brown, Matt Clark, Gary Robinson
L-R: Matt Clark, Patricia Clark
Gary Robinson

Mt. Monadnock hike 1969

L-R: Mike Hanrahan, Leslie Nelson, Brian Blair, Linda Jenks